Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Treating Depression

Depression is can be overwhelming word. The prospect of treating depression without drugs feels incredible to many patients. But I have had repeated successes in treating depression without the use of any medication. I use Jin Shin Jyutsu and EFT. These are highly effective energy healing modalities based on Acupuncture principles (see my profile).
Antidepressant medication doesn’t work at all for two thirds of people and has many possible side effects. Antidepressants do not deal with healing the causes of depression, Energy Psychology (EFT) does.

To treat depression effectively you need to understand that:

• Depression is not ‘genetic’. People are not biologically predestined. It’s not caused by neurobiology (although it has neurobiological effects. Depressive attitudes (such as pessimism, perfectionism, black and white thinking, and helplessness) are learned rather than ‘passed on through genes’.

• Depression is a state of physical and mental exhaustion produced from too much negative non-solution-focused rumination, leading, in turn, to an excess of REM sleep which further exhausts the depressed person.

• The depressed person has become stuck and needs help to think, feel and act differently and to get the rest they need. This is what EFT and JSJ do.

Here are three essential steps to treating depression.

1. You need to begin to see your depression ‘from the outside’ as a pattern of experience, rather than part and parcel of ‘who you are’. By understanding the ‘cycle of depression’, you can see how a buildup of unresolved emotional worry overburdens the brain’s REM response, leading to night time over-dreaming, leading to day time physical and mental exhaustion.

• Do you always feel exhausted when you wake in the morning – and the more you sleep, the more tired you get?

• Does everything tend to seem very black and white, all or nothing, to you, with no shades of gray between?

• Do you feel physically exhausted one minute and then over-agitated the next?
One of the first signals of recovery you will experience as you start to come out of depression will be an increase in energy and a feeling of clarity and perspective.

2. It is essential to relax. A depressed brain is a stressed brain. The most wonderful analytical techniques in the world will have little effect on a brain worn out by stress, anxiety and exhaustion. In such a state, flooded with stress hormones, the brain struggles to take on new perspectives. It’s like trying to see your reflection in a lake when a storm is raging. Jin Shin Jyutsu is one of the most effective techniques for relaxing and normalizing the stress hormone levels and EFT ensures that you take on those new perspectives.

3. A depressed person may need to get back into the habit of actually taking steps to change unwanted situations rather than passively worrying about their problems but not acting to resolve them, The combination of Jin Shin Jyutsu and EFT insure that you are able to take positive steps again.
In cases where practical changes are not feasible, you need to feel differently about what cannot be changed – EFT is an excellent tool to help you feel and see things with a new perspective. You get unstuck on the deepest levels; you acquire wisdom and calmness, and start really enjoying life again. This in itself means that you will not get depressed again easily.
(Please refer to the steps in my previous posting).

Perizat Hamdy, B.SC.
Master Energy Healing Therapist
Emotional Freedom Techniques ADV (Meridian Tapping)
Jin Shin Jyutsu ADV (Acupuncture without needles)
Pranic Healing ADV(Energy body and Chakras)
Quantum Touch


Kifissia - Athens - Greece

Monday, 5 October 2009

Successes in treating Depression with Jin Shin Jyutsu and EFT combined:

Lately I've treated several clients with serious concerns due the world economic crisis. Some had emotional problems which needed to be handled earlier but were pushed to the edge by the latest events. Working together, we have had great results in lifting their depression in a relatively short time - an average of 20 sessions tops - depending on the gravity of the depression. Several needed less. I have had these results very often all through my career as a therapist, using a combination of Jin Shin Jyutsu and EFT (meridian Tapping or Energy Psychology)

Depression, stress, worry, fears and all the related symptoms can manifest through: Panic attacks, feelings of helplessness, chest pain and palpitations, forgetfulness, lack of initiative, negativity, despair, guilt, anger, constant fatigue, constant fear, indecision, total lack of enjoyment of anything, insomnia, nightmares or too many dreams, night sweats, mental confusion etc. Plus various physical discomforts and illnesses. Do not forget that more than 85% of our physical illnesses are due to those very same harmful emotions.

Some of you might identify with some or all of the above symptoms. This is a troublesome phase in your life. That's right, it might not seem like it, but it is just a phase and I can help you overcome it.

Typically with my treatment of deap depression the following occurs:

•Within 5 sessions you can already start feeling a change, you start taking small initiatives, you lose this chest pain/palpitations, you feel lighter, you breath more easily, feelings of gloom are only every now and then, you breath and relax more easily, several aches and pains are gone and even sleep is much better.

•Within 10 sessions, you develop more initiative, you start to feel positive about things, you sleep through the night, you have more vitality, no more panic attacks, things are definitely looking up. You laugh more often now! others in your surrouding might notice it before you do! You focus better on your tasks. You find solutions to challanges, where you could not before. You start jogging and exercising again or go to the beauty salon... you are much more patient with your children and subordinates... you initiate outings with friends, you appreciate the beauty around you. Yet there might still be some inconsistencies.

•Within 15 to 20 sessions, You are surprised at how you enjoy life again, at how clearly you can focus, how easily you can make decisions, how your remember things when you thought you had lost your memory. You are balanced. You regain your creativity. You are active, you sleep all night! You can get your priorities sorted out. You see things in a positive perspective; the world, people and even challange feel totally different. You can find effective solutions. And you are physically healthier! You are in control again; you are your good old adjusted happy self again!!! My clients even forget how bad they felt before the treatments :-)

Please remember these are only indicative guidelines from my experience. Each individual reacts differently. Various results might come about much earlier for some, and for others they can happen later - within this frame of time though.

All through the therapy I teach my clients very simple and easy techniques which help them release unwanted emotions which might come up during the course of their daily life. They even help their family and friends and find it quite amazing.

Please refer to my profile to see how you can get in touch with me should you need my services.

Wishing you the best always,
